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E-Commerce Tutorial            Lesson 3       Page 5                by Kevin Hakman

  — Security Blanket —

    When Netscape introduced SSL (secure sockets layer) in its popular Navigator browser in 1995, it paved the way for broad public access to online information security. SSL is an encryption technology that scrambles a message so that only the recipient can unscramble it, using technologies developed by RSA Security. URLs that begin with "https://" are using SSL. (Think of the "s" as standing for "secure.")

    This is good for online merchants because it reduces online transaction risk and increases customer confidence. People are much more willing to supply their credit card information when they're sure that no one can see it but the intended merchant.

    To implement this kind of encryption technology, you need to enable SSL on your Web server. But there's a catch. Even if SSL is on the server, it'll only work with other SSL-friendly browsers. These days, most browsers do support SSL, but some older versions of AOL's browser don't. You'll need to look at what kind of browsers your visitors are using in order to determine the best approach.

    To get SSL working, you'll need a digital ID (also known as an authentication certificate) from a trusted third-party source that can vouch for your identity. Your certificate is kind of like your passport or driver's license. It's a form of identification verifying that someone reputable confirms that you really are who you say you are. You can get a certificate from companies like Verisign.

    Once you have your certificate, refer to your Web server's help resources for information on getting it installed and configured. If you are hosting with a third party, have your certificate sent to them or, if possible, use their certificate.

    Once you're secure, you're just about in business. Now let's see which solutions the folks at good ol' ramforless.com opted for.

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