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Affiliate Agreement
To become an affiliate please read this agreement; acknowledge you understand and agree to its terms by submitting the Affiliate Program Application.
This Agreement contains the complete terms and conditions that apply to an individual's or entity's participation in the e Catalog Order Solution Team Affiliate Program.
1. When registering we will assign you an affiliate number. This ID is used to track your orders.
2. The link to our web site is achieved by adding ?id=your_id to the desired site; e.g. if you want to link the main page of ecatalogorder.com , and your ID is 112545, the final link would be:
3. We will supply you with graphic solutions and banners which you can put on your web site,
4. You may make as many links as you wish and link any web page (in the previously shown format).
We suggest linking the main pages of each product.
5. We perform order processing and the complete support, as well as the relations with the customers.
6. All affiliates commissions will be paid in checks and expressed in $US.
7. Accounts amounting to less than $500.00 will be paid on the month after they exceed $500.00.
8. The use of self-written texts and self-designed graphics is fully allowed. If you create a banner or graphics which, in your opinion, deserve attention, please send them to us at support@ecatalogorder.com so that we may include them with the others .
10. Any Spam is absolutely discoureged and expresely out of the question and disallowed and not condoned, regardless of whether it concerns massive e-mailing or search-engine spamming. If we discover but a single evidence of such actions, the account will be automatically terminated the holder would forfeit his/her right to payment of the commission sum and he/she will be sued for damages to the full extent of the law.
11. Every account is protected by a password. In order to access the statistics, you will need your affiliate ID and the password.
12. We are not to be held responsible in the case of damage caused by failure of the hosting equipment, traffic congestion at the site or any other technical errors on which we have no direct or indirect influence.
13. In order for a purchase to qualify for referral commissions, the following conditions must be met:
- 30 days have passed from the date of purchase
- no products have been returned
- Our relationship it is at-will any other may teminate it at any time for any reason.
- You may terminate your participation in our affiliate program any time you want to by sending e-mail with your request to affiliates@ecatalogorder.com. All your earned commission would be paid to you on the next billing cycle up to the moment of termination.
- We may terminate our cooperation with you for any reason or no reason at all. The termination of your participation would be applied if we find out that you had broken the limitations and rules outlined above.
We reserve the rights to change any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. Should there be any, the changes may involve the method of payment, commission amounts, linking our web page and so forth.
All notices would be e-mailed to you at the address which you had entered at the moment of registration with the affiliate program. All messages on your behalf should be sent to affiliates@ecatalogorder.com.
Affiliate Program Application